Thursday, June 10, 2010

2001 Kia Sportage Product Spotlight

Today we are introducing a new feature; the Product Spotlight. We will be focusing on certain models that sell extraordinarily well on our website The first vehicle we will be looking at is the 2001 Kia Sportage. This compact SUV from Kia definitely falls under the category "kind of sucks". According to Wikipedia it shares many of its components with a Mazda. The engine was underpowered and it lacked many of the amenities the American public wanted. Only slightly bigger than a Geo Tracker it never came close to getting the same market share. It sold poorly even i its native South Korea. In 2002 it was dropped in from the Kia lineup to be reworked. There is nothing really remarkable about the 2001 model except that it remains our number one best selling Kia owner's manual. Go figure.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The End Of An Era

Ford has decided to end its mercury lineup at the end of 2010. This is indeed a sad day for car enthusiasts. You can't walk down the street without seeing at least one Sable or Cougar. But after years of declining sales maybe it was time to cut their losses and put the old dog down. RIP Mercury.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Evil Spam

We have been getting hit hard by spam bots of late and we just wanted to say thats enough already!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What Is BP's Next Move

First the containment dome failed to work, then the so called top-kill produced ziltch, now BP is possibly going to make the problem worse by cutting off the pipe for a cleaner seal on another containment dome. I say it's time to end our reliance on oil altogether and start using alternative methods to fuel our vehicles. But in the meantime I guess hybrids and electric vehicles will have to do. We have a nice selection of service manuals for both at our website And remember a well maintained car uses less fuel than a poorly tuned one.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Quick Note

Added new content to the main page. Now you can follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn. Check it Out!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sidecars rule!!

This retro looking motorcycle is the Ural Patrol T Motorcycle . We didn't realize that Eastern Europe exported anything but mail order brides and vodka. But apparently they make a damn fine looking cycle too. The sidecar really sets it apart from most other manufacturers. Makes us wish that there were some Nazi's to outrun with our estranged fathers. If this also makes you long for a ride on your own bike, be sure to check out our service manuals from Harley-Davidson, Buell, Big Dog and Honda to get yours in tip top shape.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hands down the best car related show on TV is Tog Gear. The hosts are hilarious and we love seeing cars that we could not possibly ever afford.

Summer is coming

Its almost that time again. Time to haul your butt outside and get that old beater in the driveway working again. Stop by our website to check out our selection of service manuals for your car, truck, motorcycle, or even your boat.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Announcing the DIY Repair Manuals Blog

There are a lot of changes going on at The first major announcement is the addition of product reviews to our website. Now you can let the world know what your think of our products. RSS feeds have also been implemented so now you can stay up to date on all the brand new happenings. There have been lots of improvements under the hood as well: faster search, additional title and meta data, and minor bug fixes.